Reference Manual


dhcp - release or obtain network configuration details for a specified interface via DHCP
dhcp ifn [r]
Command dhcp with option r releases the DHCP-supplied configuration details for interface ifn. All routing table references to the interface are removed and the interface becomes inoperative. IP Address Mapping is turned off and the Port Mapping Table is cleared.

Command dhcp without option r will contact a DHCP server via the specified interface. If successful, appropriate routing table entries will be added and IP Address Mapping and Port Mapping will be turned on.

If the interface is being shared by NAT32 and Windows, command dhcp can be used to update the NAT32 configuration after Windows has obtained a new configuration.

Because NAT32 monitors Windows DHCP-assigned details, you will seldom need to use this command.

A DHCP lease can be renewed at any time. It is not mandatory that the lease be released first.

When a lease IS released, NAT32 notifies the DHCP server, unlike some versions of Windows, which do NOT notify the server when a lease is released.

dhcpd, netcfg, route, routes